Core Module
Worker Module
The Workers APIs support the management of workers in an organization. A worker is a person who performs duties and responsibilities for an organization as an employee or contractor.
The Workers APIs can be used to:
Add Starters
Takes all off the data needed to create a new starter in one large JSON object. Some values are optional, but all values given are run against validation rules and the entire submission is rejected should any validation checks fail.
Get Endpoints:-
Get A List of All Workers on a Company
Given a company ID as a parameter the GetEmployeesAllData endpoint provides a detailed listing of all employees for that company/payroll, which could be used to provide a comprehensive list of data about the employees on that company, including their idNumber, which would be required for any of the individual employee data options described under the next subheading.
Get Details of Individual Workers
Given company ID and Worker idNumber as parameters, the entire set of data for a worker can be retrieved via the GetEmployeeAllDetails endpoint. Alternatively, more limited subsets of data can be obtained for the employee via by passing the same parameters to either the GetEmployeeDetails, GetEmployeeBankDetails, GetEmployeeContactDetails, GetEmployeeContractDetails, GetEmployeeEqualOpportunities, or GetEmployeeTerminationDetails endpoints.
The following is a general synopsis of what each of the end points provide.
Employee All Details
As the name suggests, given a company ID and worker ID this will return all values for the worker in question. There are no values, here, that one of the more focused endpoints cannot provide, but may serve better where any of the others may be unable to supply all the values required on their own.
Employee Details
This can obtain a basic set of identifying data about an employee: their name, address, date of births, and National Insurance Number.
Employee Bank Details
This can retrieve data about how an employee is paid: Pay Type (Cheque, BACS, etc), Bank Account number, alternate Building Society number, sort code (separate value for Bank sort code and Building Society code), and BACS account name.
Employee Contact Details
This endpoint can return the worker’s Work Phone Number, Work Phone Extension, Work Mobile Phone, Home Phone Number, Personal Mobile Number, Alternative Personal Mobile Number, any other Contact Phone Number, their Personal Email Address, and their Business Email Address.
Employee Contract Details
This will provide the worker’s Position ID, First Grade Marker, Alternative Grade Marker, whether they are Part or Full-Time, their Cost Centre, the Department they work in, their Occupation Code, the Pay Point they work at, their Work Pattern (days of week worked), the actual number of Days Worked Per Week, what their Start Date was, what Basic Hours they work each week, how many hours they work each year, and two free-text fields that clients can use to store additional data about the worker (what this data is, is determined by the client, when they submit this data).
Employee Equal Opportunities
This simply returns the worker’s Gender, and their Marital Status.
Employee Termination Details
If an employee has left the business, this will provide their Leave Date, Period Of Leaving, Year Of Leaving, and a code, representing their Leave Reason.
Put Endpoints:-
Put Details of Individual Workers
All of the Get endpoint for individual workers have equivalent Put endpoints, which allow an individual work’s details to be updated on our systems. Although a PutEmployeeAllData endpoint exists, allowing potentially all data values stored against the worker to be modified in a single call, it would not be recommended to use this unless a major change was being made to a worker’s data. Instead the equivalent PutEmployeeDetails, PutEmployeeBankDetails, PutEmployeeContactDetails, PutEmployeeContractDetails, PutEmployeeEqualOpportunities, or PutEmployeeTerminationDetails endpoints could be used to update just those aspects of a worker’s data they affect.
Each Put endpoint takes exactly the same set of values as the corresponding Get endpoint returns, so it would be normal to first call the Get endpoint, to get all of the existing data values, make the necessary changes within the JSON object that this Get returned, then use the modified JSON object as the payload used in the body of the call to the corresponding Put Endpoint.
Lookups for Administration – for example Cost Center, Department, Positions
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